Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trip Home!!!

TyLene was such a big help canning pears this year!!  Her hand was the only hand that would fit into the jars, she put all the pears nicely into the jars!  TyLene had a blast making the pears different colors!  She helped us start to finish! 
I had the awesome privilege of watching this little cutie all week!  Scott was in Oregon backpacking all week, and so I got to watch JennaLee!  She is so much fun, and is full of personality!!  She makes me laugh all of the time!  Here she with dried strawberries all over her face! 
JennaLee trying to put her whole face in the can!
Having fun with the can!
Yes, Tayson did help a little bit, when we could pry him away from the i-pad!
Tayson and Aunt Jo!

JennaLee being a little stinker!
TyLene cutting the pears!
Putting them into the jars!
JennaLee & I, she doesn't look so enthused!
MeLinda and Mom!
Tayson glued to the i-pad!
TyLene & Hardy!
TyLene loves animals, and just loves Hardy to pieces!  She was swinging with him!
Playing the i-pad!

Miss naked!
JennaLee saying "Cheese" for the camera!

JennaLee is very possessive of her things, and carries them all around with her!  Her she is with her bear and eating a cookie!  She doesn't let anyone touch her stuff.  She is such a smart little girl!

Boise, Idaho Temple!

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